Friday, September 16, 2011

Two things

First an update. We are in the house and we love it. We love our new neighborhood. We love our house. Will loves having his own bathroom and his bedroom in the basement. All of the kids have loved being able to have friends to play with near by. School has gotten off to a good start for all. Will seems to have fallen right into 7th grade, with no issues at all. He is even getting up and out with very minimal over sight by us. Brooke is enjoying 4th grade, getting to know the routine and friends. Hope is loving going to preschool. She loves everything about it, meeting friends, swimming every Wednesday, songs, teachers...all of it. Her only complaint is that some kids "get to stay for lunch" and she doesn't. ;)

Now on to what is really on my heart this morning. My heart is torn in two. I love being here in MI. I love the weather (yes even the winters). I love being close to my mom, the time I and the kids are getting to spend with her is priceless. I love living close to my sister and her family. I love the small town that we now live in and everything that comes with that. And I love all the extended family that we have living in the same area too, and all the opportunity it provides for big family gettogethers. BUT I miss my best friend. A LOT.

Now my sister is one of my best friends too, don't get me wrong. I am lucky that that I have 2 women in my life that I can have that deep relationship with. But the person I am talking about is my best friend that I had to leave in VA. She is my Emmy. She is the sister not of blood but of my heart. We can literally spend days together, just talking and reading and eating. Her absence in my day to day life is hitting me hard, square in the the heart today. Most days I can put the void in the recesses of my mind and remind myself of the great time we spent together this summer or the next time I will talk to her or see her. But not today.

I know I will make friends here. And I hope I have already started some of those friendships. But the depth that I have with Emily only comes from time, openness and a blessing from God. Not a combination that one finds often or quickly. I could go on and on about why my relationship with Emily is so meaningful in my life....she is the ying to my yang, she fillig in the gaps of my personality and I hers, ect. But I will spare you the gushyness. I am not writing about all of this so that you will feel sorry for me. I don't want that. I write all of this to try to process these feelings. I write about this because today I can think of nothing else. I write about this because I want her to know that I am thinking of her and miss her as much as she misses me, so that she will know how important she is to me. And maybe I write all of this so that she will come visit me. ;)

I think I need a dog. ;)